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Onsite Temperature Profiling -

Live Burn Onsite Testing

SRG Inc offers specialized monitoring services for live burn training facilities. Many burn buildings have temperature sensors and some do not. In either case it is important to understand the behavior of the fire and how that depends on the heat release rate (HRR). The rate at which heat is released drives the temperature the firemen will be exposed to during each evolution. Fuel loads are not the only contributor to HRR. The structures geometry and air flow in addition to fuel determine how quickly a particular area of the room will reach a given temperature.

We can bring the required sensors and data acquisition equipment needed to make a variety of temperature measurements during live burns. We have up to 64 channels that can be configured to measure temperatures at different heights and distances from the heat source.

Multiple burns can be made using different fuel loads and air supply scenarios. Identical fuel loads can create very dangerous conditions without understanding all of the contributing factors. We provide the ability to measure the temperatures over a larger and more defined space while the fire departments sample different fuel loads and training scenarios.

The following graphs of actual burn measurements made near Denver Colorado are good examples of how different identical fuel loads behave.

It is extremely important for the training officers to understand how the temperatures in their burn building are influenced by factors other than fuel load. This type of testing is also an excellent tool for teaching upcoming instructors on how to run their evolutions in a particular building.

Discussion of Graphs:
Burn1-AA ChartBurn9 Chart
Graphs 1 and 2 show a very fast heat rise on all of the sensors but especially for those closer to the ceiling. This particular condition is near a flash condition and quite dangerous for inexperienced instructors and recruits. The windows and door were kept closed after ignition and the gasses and heat were allowed to build in a small room, 10’ x 10’. The window and door were opened simultaneously allowing air to enter the room. As can be seen from the data the temperature increased very rapidly. Four feet above the floor is dangerously hot even for modern turn out gear.

Burn7 chart

Graph three shows a much better temperature profile for recruit training. Seven minutes of free burn at a temperature that is low enough to conduct training safely.


SRG Can Install & Support Your TMS at Any Stage in the Life of the Building

New Construction Installs

    Exisiting Block Construction

Existing Metal Structures

ManageD maintenance Services

SRG can provide estimates for ongoing maintenance contracts for all types of live fire training structures. Our team will provide a single resource for all of your maintenance requirements. A live fire training center is designed to withstand very harsh conditions but over time repairs will be required. See our section on managed services.  

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